
Pride of Madeira 50 Seeds - Echium fastuosum -Perennial

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Pride of Madeira 50 Seeds - Echium fastuosum -Perennial Best Deal.

   Brand: Hirt's

Cheap Pride of Madeira 50 Seeds - Echium fastuosum -Perennial Feature

  • Echium fastuosum, syn. Echium candicans, is also known as pride of Madeira

Pride of Madeira 50 Seeds - Echium fastuosum -Perennial Low Price

Echium fastuosum, syn. Echium candicans, is also known as pride of Madeira, this plant being native to Madeira. It is an evergreen perennial plant that can reach up to 5 - 8 ft (1.50 m - 2.40 m) tall, with spikes of tiny purple-blue flowers appearing in spring.Leaves - This Echium has evergreen lanceolate leaves, that are about 8 in (20 cm) long.Flowers - Dense 2 ft (60 cm) long spikes of tiny purple-blue flowers appear in spring.Culture Echium fastuosum is a showy and perennial plant, that can withstand negative temperatures down to 26 F to 24 F (-3 C to -5 C). It thus can be grown in USDA zones 9 and warmer. Also, this plant can be grown in coastal and windy conditions. Note that leaves and stems may prove slightly skin irritant. So handle with care.Soil - This Echium requires a well-drained ground.PropagationThis Echium is easily propagated by seeds.

Pride of Madeira 50 Seeds - Echium fastuosum -Perennial Best Sale

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$1.39 (New)
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Pride of Madeira 50 Seeds - Echium fastuosum -Perennial Customer Rating

Echium fastuosum - Pride of Madeira Tube. Duration : 4.37 Mins.

Echium fastuosum - Pride of Madeira is one of the most unique looking landscape plants and flowers you will see. For more please watch the video. To learn more about this and many other plants please visit www.designwithplants.com and www.jeffwortham.com


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