
PAMPAS GRASS PINK Cortaderia jubata 50 seeds

PAMPAS GRASS PINK Cortaderia jubata 50 seeds Review

PAMPAS GRASS PINK Cortaderia jubata 50 seeds Feature

  • grows 9-12' high
  • showy ornamental grass
  • feathery panicles appearing in September- October
  • hardy zone 5-11

PAMPAS GRASS PINK Cortaderia jubata 50 seeds Overview

King of the ornamental grasses, Pampas grows 9-12' high in large, upright clumps, and is used at the back of perennial borders, as screening, or for architectural interest. Its showy, feathery panicles are pink, from 1 to 2 feet in length, appearing in October. Hardy zone 5-11

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 20, 2012 18:57:30

