
Majestic Sphere Turf 15 ft. Wide x Your Custom Order .11 per Sq Ft

Search Deal for Low Price. Selection of Sphere Turf. Majestic Sphere Turf 15 ft. Wide x Your Custom Order .11 per Sq Ft Review. Save up to 85%

Majestic Sphere Turf 15 ft. Wide x Your Custom Order .11 per Sq Ft Reveal.

Majestic Sphere Turf 15 ft. Wide x Your Custom Order .11 per Sq Ft Customer Rating

   Brand: Sphere Turf

Cheap Majestic Sphere Turf 15 ft. Wide x Your Custom Order .11 per Sq Ft Specifications

  • High Quality Turf made in the USA
  • 8 Year limited warranty
  • All Polyethylene bladed - no Nylon! Polyethylene always washes clean.
  • Meets all federal and consumer protection requirements for heavy metal and lead safety
  • Majestic Turf is one of the most luxurious choices with green thatch and dense tri-color green blade. Infill will give you the best look and feel.

Majestic Sphere Turf 15 ft. Wide x Your Custom Order .11 per Sq Ft Best Buy

Majestic Sphere Turf is one of our thickest and most luxurious choices for the front lawn, landscaping, condo balconies, RV pads, play areas, and pets areas. Choose Sphere Turf for a high-quality, low maintanence, durable, landscaping alternative The Majestic Sphere Turf has a total weight of 108 ounces, has perforated backing and made of all poly fibers. Infill is recommended.

Majestic Sphere Turf 15 ft. Wide x Your Custom Order .11 per Sq Ft Cheapest Sale

Sphere Turf
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$6,911.00 (New)
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Dried Pampas Grass - Natural Color

Best This for $11.99. Selection of DriedDecor.com. Best Buy Dried Pampas Grass - Natural Color For Sale. Save up to 70%

Dried Pampas Grass - Natural Color Sale Price.

   Brand: DriedDecor.com

Cheap Dried Pampas Grass - Natural Color Specifications

  • **HUGE SALE** Color: Natural (As pictured)
  • Bunch Size: Large 3 Plume (Branch) Bunch
  • Height: 5 feet tall, Stem will come separate from plume
  • Diameter at top: 6-10" feather like top
  • Diameter at base: 3 dime sized stalks

Dried Pampas Grass - Natural Color Description

Color: Natural (As pictured)Bunch Size: Large 3 Plume (Branch) BunchHeight: 5 feet tall, Stem will come separate from plumeDiameter at top: 6-10 inch large feather like topsDiameter at base: 3 dime sized stalksEach of these silky plumes is about 30+ inches tall, removable from is 30+ inch corn stalk stem.Pampas Grass Tip: If you want your pampas grass fuller , put them outside , under a hot sun for 30-60 minutesNote: These measurements are averages. Not exacts measurements

Dried Pampas Grass - Natural Color Cheapest Buy

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Curious Country Creations com
$11.99 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Dried Pampas Grass - Natural Color Customer Rating

Leaves of Grass (04 of 12) Tube. Duration : 96.28 Mins.

Subtitles available. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Read by: Eric Armstrong, Brett, cdm2003, Chip, Annie Coleman, Chris Goringe, Gord Mackenzie, Hugh McGuire, Denny Sayers, Kara Shallenberg, wedschild, and Tom Yates. CLICK HERE for MORE VIDEOS! www.youtube.com


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Dried Pampas Grass - Black Color

Best Price for Lowest Price. Save more DriedDecor.com. Cheap Dried Pampas Grass - Black Color On Sale. Save up to 85%

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Dried Pampas Grass - Black Color

Dried Pampas Grass - Black ColorReview


Whenever you hear the word bulrush, do you think of cattails? Oddly enough, most people do. However, there are some differences between the two, although cohabitation is not unheard of. Cattails are known to invade a wetland much faster than bulrushes, taking over large expanses in a single growing season because of their mass quantities of wind-borne seeds. In growing season, cattails are more water dependent than bulrushes. Typically, the hardstem bulrush [Scirus acutus] is used in wetland projects and restoration. Bulrushes are much slower than cattails in establishing and spreading because they proliferate primarily through underground rhizomes rather than seeds. Bulrushes can handle and withstand long, dry periods better than cattails. There are some noted differences between cattail and bulrush, as emergent vegetation, but one noted commonality between them is their special adaptation in transporting oxygen from the air to their roots, enabling them to grow in continually flooded, but shallow water areas. Both cattail and bulrush establish quickly, (although as stated previously, bulrushes are still slower than cattails at establishing), and both can tolerate poor quality water. However, bulrushes tend to grow in deeper water, whereas cattails prefer shallow water.

Bulrushes are various wetland herbs (aquatic) from the genus Scirpus. They are annual or perennial plants that are medium to tall in height. Also known as tule, wool grass and rat grass, this herbaceous plant can grow up to 10 feet tall; they are found all through-out North America and Eurasia.

Dried Pampas Grass - Black Color

They are divided into groups of soft-stem [Scirpus validus] and hard-stem [Scirpus tabernaemontani] bulrushes, found in the Cyperaceae family. These two species are quite similar in their appearance and share commonalities regarding the areas they grow in. Bulrushes are often used in constructed wetlands to treat agricultural NPS pollution and for the creation and restoration of wetlands. One of the plants used for this kind of project is the species called the Giant Bulrush aka 'Restorer'. It is considered a superior plant for this, particularly in the south-easterly states. Now you may be wondering, 'What is NPS pollution and where does it come from?' Good question!

Bulrushes - Not to Be Confused With Cattails

NPS is short for 'non-source pollution', which comes from coal and metal mining, photography and textile industries, agricultural and urban areas, failed home septic tank drain fields as well as municipal wastewater, storm water, and other land disturbing activities that detrimentally impact 30 - 50% of the waterways of America. An affordable and efficient means to address and clean up diverse wastewater is with constructed wetlands. For almost 60 years, researchers have investigated and reported on the use of natural or constructed wetlands and their effectiveness and ability to cleanse polluted water. In 1989, one such researcher named Hammer, defined constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment as "a deigned and man-made complex of saturated substrates, emergent and submergent vegetation, animal life, and water that simulates natural wetlands for human use and benefits."

The bulrush [Scirpus spp] is one species of vegetation that is cultivated in shallow beds or channels containing a root medium such as sand and/or gravel are effective in helping to regulate water flow. At the same time, biochemical reactions occur on the submerged portions of the plants and within the wetland soils. Oxygen is passively made available for biochemical reactions mainly by the diffusion of air into the system (Rogers et al, 1991). In the United States alone, over 56 FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service) systems process 95 million gallons a day of runoff and wastewater (Reed, 1991).

Bulrushes are reed-like and have long, firm leaves, olive-green, three-sided stems and drooping clusters of small, often brown spikelets found near the stem tips. The stem bases have a few inconspicuous leaves. The roots (or rhizomes) produce edible tubers. The tips of the bulrushes bloom with clumps of reddish-brown or straw-colored flowers that turn into hard seed-like fruits, during the period of April through August.

They are often found along the shorelines of marshy or swampy areas; such as wet locations like the edges of shallow lakes, ponds, swamps, fresh and brackish marshes, wet woods, slow moving streams and roadside ditches. They can grow as high as 10 feet in moist soils, and in shallow or deep water, respectively, from 1 -9 ft of water. The bulrush is densely rhizomatous with abundant seed production.

The Scirpus species occur almost always under natural conditions in wetlands. They are divided into groups of soft-stem [Scirpus validus] and hard-stem [Scirpus tabernaemontani] bulrushes, found in the Cyperaceae family. These two species are quite similar in their appearance. Soft-stem bulrush can grow to 10 feet and grows in dense colonies from rhizomes. Soft-stem bulrush has a round (in cross section), light gray-green, relatively soft stem that comes to a point with no obvious leaves (only sheaths at the base of the stems). Flowers usually occur just below the tip of the stem, from July through September. They grow in the places mentioned in the first paragraph, where soils are poorly-drained or continually saturated. As far as ecological importance goes, the soft-stem bulrush can triple its biomass in one growing season. One area that benefits from this bulrush are urban wetlands, where soft-stem bulrushes can be and have been used to reduce pollutant loads carried by storm water runoff.

The hard-stem bulrush (tule, black root) is a perennial herb with an obligate [restricted to a particular condition in life], robustly rhizomatous wetland plant that forms dense colonies. The stems of this bulrush are erect and slender, sharp to softly triangular; typically reaching 3-10 feet tall. Likewise, the leaves are slender blades that are sheathed around the long stem. The flowers are brown spikelets. The panicle can have 3 to numerous spikelets, which are oval to cylindrical. The nutlets are completely covered by whitish-brown scales and have 6 basal bristles. Bulrushes have stout rootstocks and long, thick, brown underground stems [rhizomes]. The hard-stem bulrush has a much higher tolerance of mixosaline [water containing saline] conditions, than the soft-stem bulrush. It regrows well after removal and is tolerant of fire.

Submerged portions of all aquatic plants provide habitats for many micro and macro invertebrates. These invertebrates in turn are used as food by fish and other wildlife species (e.g. amphibians, reptiles, ducks, etc.). After aquatic plants die, their decomposition by bacteria and fungi (called "detritus"), provides food for many aquatic invertebrates. Seeds of bulrushes are consumed by ducks and other birds while geese, muskrats, and nutria consume the rhizomes and early shoots. Muskrats and beavers like to use this emergent wetland vegetation for food, as well as for hut construction, thus improving the wetland habitat.

Bulrushes have been and are used by many cultures for medicinal purposes, as well as

In the provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang, in China use the bulrush in teas, decoctions and extracts. The bulrush is believed to be effective and most commonly used to stop bleeding, whether from an injury or an internal disorder. It is also used to treat painful menstruation and postpartum abdominal pain. Evidence has shown that bulrush extracts can also reduce the amount of lipids in the blood, as well as being effective in treating colitis.

Native Americans would parch the edible rhizomes (seeds), which are high in protein and very starchy, grind them into a powder for flour, mixed it with water, boiled it and ate it as porridge. The young shoots are considered a delicacy, whether eaten in the raw form or cooked. The bulrush can be used for syrup and /or sugar, used in a salad or eaten as a cooked vegetable. The syrup is dried out to produce sugar and the pollen can be used to make breads and cakes.

They also made a poultice from the stems to stop bleeding and to treat snakebites. The roots can be processed and used in treating abscesses.

'Boneset' tea was a popular remedy used by Native Americans and pioneers alike to address general aches and malaise. It was said to have the most effective relief for the nineteenth and twentieth century flu epidemics. It remains popular as a herbal tea and is used as a tonic for colds, reduce sweating and to promote bone healing. It is the belief that it does indeed aid in bone healing that gave 'boneset' tea its name. Modern medical research confirms these benefits, stating that the compounds of 'boneset tea' stimulate the immune system.

Some Native Americans would chew the roots of the bulrush as a preventative to thirst. They also used the ashes from burned stalk to put on a baby's bleeding naval.

Stems are used to weave strong sleeping mats, ropes, baskets, purses, hats, skirts, sandals, curtains, temporary shelters, canoes and rafts, brooms and other household items. The plant must grow in coarse-textured soil that is free of gravel, silt and clay if the roots are to be used for quality basket-weaving. The root was sought for the black color, which was desired to highlight patterns created in the making of a basket.

The benefits and uses of the bulrush, both ecologically, medicinally and creatively, make it worth careful consideration for wetland planting zones and native restoration landscapes.

Bulrushes - Not to Be Confused With Cattails

http://www.tennesseewholesalenursery.com TN Nursery is a state certified wholesale nursery specializing in native plants and trees, shrubs, fern, and perennials as well as pond plants and wetland mitigation species.

Leaves of Grass (04 of 12) Tube. Duration : 96.28 Mins.

Subtitles available. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Read by: Eric Armstrong, Brett, cdm2003, Chip, Annie Coleman, Chris Goringe, Gord Mackenzie, Hugh McGuire, Denny Sayers, Kara Shallenberg, wedschild, and Tom Yates. CLICK HERE for MORE VIDEOS! www.youtube.com


   Brand: DriedDecor.com

Cheap Dried Pampas Grass - Black Color Information

  • 3 Dried Pampas Grass Plumes - 5ft Black Color
  • Color: Black (As pictured)
  • Bunch Size: Large 3 Plume (Branch)
  • Bunch Height: 5 feet tall Pampas Grass

Dried Pampas Grass - Black Color Best Price

Dried Decorative Black Pampas GrassDried Decorative Pampas Grass perfect for home decor. Decorate your home with some of these amazing Pampas Grass Plumes. Perfect for corners and entryways these pampas grass plumes make a statement. All you need is a vase of your choice and a corner that needs decorating. Color: Black (As pictured) Bunch Size: Large 3 Plume (Branch) Bunch Height: 5 feet tall Pampas Grass

Dried Pampas Grass - Black Color Cheapest Sale

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Curious Country Creations com
$24.99 (New)
Usually ships in 4-5 business days

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PAMPAS GRASS WHITE Cortaderia selloana 500+ seeds

PAMPAS GRASS WHITE Cortaderia selloana 500+ seeds Review

PAMPAS GRASS WHITE Cortaderia selloana 500+ seeds Feature

  • grows 9-12' high
  • showy ornamental grass
  • feathery panicles appearing in September- October
  • hardy zone 7-11

PAMPAS GRASS WHITE Cortaderia selloana 500+ seeds Overview

Annual Flower seedsPerennial Flower seedsBush & Shrub seedsClimber & Vine seedsGroundcover seedsHerbsOrnamental grass seedsSucculent seedsTree seedsTropical & Exotic seedsVegetable & fruit seedsMixed seedsRhizomes/Bulbs/PlantsView additional imagesPAMPAS GRASS WHITE Cortaderia selloanather King of the ornamental grasses$ 2.00 Back to homepageSeed count Quantity: King of the ornamental grasses, Pampas grass grows 9-12' high in large, upright clumps, and is used at the back of perennial borders, as screening, or for architectural interest. Its showy, feathery panicles are silvery white, from 1 to 2 feet in length, appearing in October. Hardy zone 7-11

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 30, 2013 07:27:27


Purple Fountain Grass One Gallon Plant

Purple Fountain Grass One Gallon Plant Review

Purple Fountain Grass One Gallon Plant Feature

  • Purple fountain grass is a drought-tolerant grass that forms neat clumps of purplish-maroon blades. Topped by rose-red flower spikes summer through fall.
  • Beautiful as landscape specimen or planted in groups. Provides quick annual color in any climate; perennial in warm climates. Full sun.
  • Moderate grower to about 4 feet tall, 2 to 3 feet wide. Semi-evergreen. It is indispensable for dry streambeds and a lovely fluffy accent in dry gardens.
  • Provides wildlife habitat around water holes and ponds, and adds its billowy character to homegrown meadows. Makes a great erosion-control plant on slopes, both cut and fill. Shipped as a potted one gallon plant in its original soil and container. Hardy to USDA zone 8 and all higher zones.
  • Equally at home in big Southwestern ceramic pots or classical Italian terra-cotta on posts and walls, or ganged around entries, steps and gateways.

Purple Fountain Grass One Gallon Plant Overview

Purple fountain grass is a drought-tolerant grass that forms neat clumps of purplish-maroon blades. Topped by rose-red flower spikes summer through fall. Beautiful as landscape specimen or planted in groups. Provides quick annual color in any climate; perennial in warm climates. Full sun. Moderate grower to about 4 feet tall, 2 to 3 feet wide. Semi-evergreen. It is indispensable for dry streambeds and a lovely fluffy accent in dry gardens. Provides wildlife habitat around water holes and ponds, and adds its billowy character to homegrown meadows. Makes a great erosion-control plant on slopes, both cut and fill. Equally at home in big Southwestern ceramic pots or classical Italian terra-cotta on posts and walls, or ganged around entries, steps and gateways. Shipped as a potted one gallon plant in its original soil and container. Hardy to USDA zone 8 and all higher zones.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 29, 2013 03:41:26


Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 25 Plants - Erianthus

Great This for . Save on Hirts: Ornamental Grasses. Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 25 Plants - Erianthus Sale. Save up to 50%

Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 25 Plants - Erianthus Cheapest

   Brand: Hirts: Ornamental Grasses    List Price : low price to display

Cheap Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 25 Plants - Erianthus Specifications

  • Hardy Zones 5-9
  • Silver Plumes
  • Mature Height: 10'
  • Full Sun
  • Immediate shipping in 2 1/2" pots. Dormant shipping in winter.

Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 25 Plants - Erianthus Description

ORNAMENTAL GRASSES: Grasses provide structure and texture to your garden, offering many shapes, heights and colors. Most will "bloom' with attractive seed fronds that move with the breeze.

(Ravenna Grass) Erianthus ravennae is also known as 'Hardy Pampas Grass' due to the huge plumes that resemble its Southern cousins. By late summer, the plumes begin to shoot skyward and provide movement in the garden with just the slightest breeze. With foliage that reaches 5 feet tall and plumes that tower to 8-12 feet, Erianthus ravennae is an ideal grass to make a living windbreak or screen. Also provides excellent winter interest in the landscape.

Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 25 Plants - Erianthus Best Price

Hirts: Ornamental Grasses
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Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus

Great Deal for . Save more Hirts: Ornamental Grasses. Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus Free Shipping. Save up to 70%

Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus Best Deal.

   Brand: Hirts: Ornamental Grasses

Cheap Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus Specifications

  • Hardy Zones 5-9
  • Silver Plumes
  • Mature Height: 10'
  • Full Sun
  • Immediate shipping in 2 1/2" pots. Dormant shipping in winter.

Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus Detail

ORNAMENTAL GRASSES: Grasses provide structure and texture to your garden, offering many shapes, heights and colors. Most will "bloom' with attractive seed fronds that move with the breeze.

(Ravenna Grass) Erianthus ravennae is also known as 'Hardy Pampas Grass' due to the huge plumes that resemble its Southern cousins. By late summer, the plumes begin to shoot skyward and provide movement in the garden with just the slightest breeze. With foliage that reaches 5 feet tall and plumes that tower to 8-12 feet, Erianthus ravennae is an ideal grass to make a living windbreak or screen. Also provides excellent winter interest in the landscape.

Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus Best Buy

Hirts: Ornamental Grasses
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Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus Customer Rating

My wife and me purchased Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus Best Price. We like Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus is very good as My wife and me ever buy. I would highly recommend this My wife and me wish buy it once again.

You will easily save. Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus is available. buy Northern Pampas Raven Grass - 8 Plants - Erianthus from Amazon.com You will save more with very fast shipping.

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